I often check the searchsystems.net site to gauge the newness of a government-maintained public records site. These are a few California county inmate searches that I didn't find on searchsystems.
Riverside County Inmate Custody search.
Yolo County lists booking information by month for 2005; the names of inmates are listed with charges and location of arrest.
Alameda County Sheriff uses the VINE (Victim Information and Notification Everyday) program but only has telephone access. To check the status of an inmate call 1-800-511-1687, enter the name through your telephone key pad, or the PFN to find out if the individual is in custody, at which jail and module, their release date, charges, and whether they are eligible for bail.
Technorati Tags: inmates, crime, victim
What? Nationwide Employment Locator
Before you commit to a time-consuming surveillance to figure out where
someone works, check this nationwide employment locator. The Federal
Election Comm...