What? Nationwide Employment Locator
Before you commit to a time-consuming surveillance to figure out where
someone works, check this nationwide employment locator. The Federal
Election Comm...
Thursday, September 15, 2005
~ criminal records site surveys - part one ~
You may see some similarity between a free index of criminal records and a fee site. Take a look at the formatting on the search results at the Minnesota Criminals Background (free reg. req.)free search and compare it to the display and content at one of your fee services. Looks just the same? Some fee-based databases of criminal histories provide content that is completely free at another private site or a government operated site. Of course, there's no free site that enables a search across many state jurisdictions at once, excluding the fledgling sex offender service. The Minnesota Department of Public Safety has a free criminal history search but it doesn't presearch the sex offender database in a neat package, as does the free commercial site.