Calling all California legal professionals, attorneys and private investigators. This week you are needed to help restore telephone access to DMV for commercial account holders. This bill will reinstate telephone access that is critical for investigators in the field solving abduction, fraud and worker compensation cases, and Service of Process.
Assemblyman Dennis Mountjoy re-introduced AB 26, the DMV inquiry bill. Next week, the bill will be heard in the Assembly Transportation Committee. Letters of support must be sent right away to ensure that this bill gets passed from the Committee. For a letter example contact CALI. Send letters to:
Jenny Oropeza, [D-55], Chair
Capitol Fax: 916 319 2155
Capitol Room: 2148
District Address: One Civic Plaza Drive, Suite 460, Carson CA
What? Nationwide Employment Locator
Before you commit to a time-consuming surveillance to figure out where
someone works, check this nationwide employment locator. The Federal
Election Comm...