The worker compensation news from the insurance companies' perspective is offered at workcomp central The site provides free access to subjects and story summaries, but rather than paying for the full article, look for the complete article through a search engine. Some recent court cases and news listed at workcomp central:
The duty to defend against a civil suit under Part 2 of a WC policy does not extend to actions by a leased employee, says CA 4th.
CA's 4th says that a landlord can not sue the employer/tenant to recover for an IW's third party suit against it.
A NY court upheld a Board decision where a man was refused benefits for reporting an injury more than 30 days after it occurred. NY's 3rd upheld the denial of benefits where misrepresentation of wage earnings and work history was admitted to by the IW.
A NY court denied an IW's claim of disability where it was found that retirement was on the advise of counsel.
A massive TX reform bill, introduced in to the state Senate yesterday, would create CA-style MPNs, raise benefits, and change the Commission.
An IL appellate court ruled that 3 intervening accidents did not break the causal chain of disability.
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